Saturday 29 November 2014

LP Lexicon podcast 014 - ShadyXV on Shady Records.

Episode: 014
Download: Link.

Artist: Shady Records roster.

Album: ShadyXV.

Show notes: There's nothing I can really say which isn't on the afforementioned Wikipedia links. I will suggest watching CXVypher:

We love this.

Sunday 23 November 2014

LP Lexicon Podcast 013 - 13 by Blur

Episode: 13
Download: Link.

Artist: Blur.

Album: 13.

Show notes: Whenever I was out, I bought whatever I could find by Blur, as you can see here: 

Blur - 13 era.

I love this album, the darker Blur got, the more I loved them. This was as dark as it got. I have this much material for each of the albums that they released; In short, it's a huge amaount. Even I don't know what I have, and at times I have bought things twice, because I have forgotten that I have bought things previously.

Wonderful album, 13. If you don't know it, do what you can to check it out.

Saturday 15 November 2014

LP Lexicon Podcast 012 - Las Alturas de Macchu Picchu by Los Jaivas.

Episode: 012
Download: Link.

Artist: Los Jaivas.

Album: Las Alturas de Macchu Pïcchu.

Show notes: First things first; I know this album is difficult to locate, so I've located it for you, here

Now, the video for this album is a truly wondrous thing to behold:

Los Jaivas - Alturas de Macchu Picchu (1981).

Wife & I at Macchu Picchu (2008).

Me, at Huayna Picchu (2008).

Also, check out these further tracks:

Los Jaivas - Cerro De La Virgin.

Los Jaivas - Mira Niñita.

If I think of anything else, I'll post it in due course.

Saturday 8 November 2014

LP Lexicon Podcast 011 - Figure 8 by Elliott Smith.

Episode: 011
Download: Link.

Artist: Elliott Smith.

Album: Figure 8.

Show notes: HelloooOOOooo!

Figure 8, this week. Beautiful album. I think I'll link you to some things we talked about in this week's episode.

Elliott Smith - Because (Beatles cover).

Elliott Smith - Long, Long, Long (Beatles cover).

Elliott Smith - For No One (Beatles Cover.

Also, check out my friends the Punk Rock Marthas, here. And on Twitter. Figure 8 wall renovation.


Saturday 1 November 2014

LP Lexicon Podcast 010 - The Wall by Pink Floyd.

Episode: 010
Download: Link.

Artist: Pink Floyd.

Album: The Wall.

Show notes: Denisse took a photo to show the table today, complete with Halloween pumpkin table cover:

Enjoyed going over The Wall today. I have a bootleg of Roger Waters performing it in New York, Oct 6, 2010. If you can check it out, do it, it's amaaaazing!

Last year, I sent a mix CD to my friend JSarge around X-Mas featuring local bands from Liverpool. I kinda want to do a similar kind of thing, but on a slightly grander scale. I might make a YouTube playlist Mix, and fill it with all kinds of awesome, in time for X-mas.

We'll see.