Sunday 25 January 2015

LP Lexicon Podcast 020 - Easy Star's Lonely Hearts Dub Band by Easy Star All Stars.

Episode: 020
Download: Link.

Artist: Easy Star All-Stars.

Album: Easy Star's Lonely Hearts Dub Band.

Show notes: You should definitely check out the Easy Star All-Stars wikipedia, and forrage around for something which seems interesting to you, which I'm sure you will find.

I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with in the future. Their twitter feed, and the Easy Star Records feed seem to be loaded with cool stuff. 

A Day in the Life was probably the first track that I ever really sat down and listened to, care of my old music teacher. I always loved this image which she had on the wall:

Lovely stuff.

Sunday 18 January 2015

LP Lexicon Podcast 019 - The White Room by The KLF.

Episode: 019
Download: Link.

Artist: The KLF.

Album: The White Room.

Show notes: This is the soundtrack to a movie which I have never seen (Properly). A movie which I shall watch here: 

The White Room (Movie) - The KLF.

Here is the Lord of the Rings poster that Jimmy Cauty created, which I mentioned:

I really hope the back catalogue is re-released once day. That this music is unavailable for purchase is simply criminal.

Thursday 1 January 2015

LP Lexicon Podcast 018 - The Magical World of The Strands - Michael Head and The Strands.

Episode: 018
Download: Link.

Artist: Michael Head and The Strands.

Album: The Magical World of The Strands.

Show notes: As mentioned this album is particularly hard to find, as is most Mick Head stuff. A quick search on YouTube should yield some results:

The Magical World of The Strands - Micheal Head and The Strands (Full LP).

Oct. 1999 NME cover.

Check out the album, and if you like it, check out the Wikipedia entry to discover some new, awesome music. We will have H.M.S. Fable on, one day in the future.

Happy 2015!